
1. NO swearing will be acceppted.
2. NO talking about bad stuff or saying innapropriate words, although "Freaking" and "Crap" are accepted in comments.
3. NO being mean to ANYONE.
4. ALL content must be suitable for children 10+.
5. ONLY minor Club Penguin cheating is allowed, such as Pin whereabouts and cool secrets. NO major cheating will be accepted, such as coin codes and cheat engines.
6. ALL comments MUST be meaningful in some way. Comments such as "Hi" and "Giggles" will NOT be accepted. Comments such as "Cool, I really want that T-shirt!" and "Yeah, last year they were at the cove." ARE accepted.
7. Have fun!

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Underwater Rooms

There are three new underwater rooms at the mine! The first and second ones are cool, but I'm going to talk more about the third one. It's only for members, and a bunch of fun! Alot of penguins are dressing up as fish,mermaids,squid,divers, and other sea creatures. Go to http://comunity.clubpenguin/blog/2010/01/cave-expedition-update.php for more info.

Canada Sculpture Poll

The Rocker is winning for the poll, even though I don't think it's a good choice. You can still vote for it at, even though I don't think the votes count anymore. See more at

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rockhopper banning WARNING:

Hey,guys. Have you ever tried to ban Rockhopper? Well, DON'T! If you see him online and tried to ban him, you won't get banned. But if you go on his penguin and do bad things, you'll get banned for life. Same with other famous penguins, But not for life except Gary and Aunt Artic. So really, don't waist your time trying.Plus, it WILL NOT WORK!!!!!!! SO DON'T!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Money Maker that is legal in club penguin

Go to youtube and send a message to sharks249 containing your penguin name, password and how much coins you want. NO MORE THAN 50,000!!!!! You can use this any number of times, but once every 5 days.