
1. NO swearing will be acceppted.
2. NO talking about bad stuff or saying innapropriate words, although "Freaking" and "Crap" are accepted in comments.
3. NO being mean to ANYONE.
4. ALL content must be suitable for children 10+.
5. ONLY minor Club Penguin cheating is allowed, such as Pin whereabouts and cool secrets. NO major cheating will be accepted, such as coin codes and cheat engines.
6. ALL comments MUST be meaningful in some way. Comments such as "Hi" and "Giggles" will NOT be accepted. Comments such as "Cool, I really want that T-shirt!" and "Yeah, last year they were at the cove." ARE accepted.
7. Have fun!

Support and Donations

Like others, our Club Penguin organization needs suppport and donations to run properly. Not donations in real money, donations to these penguins: Caroi2386, justahobo, Suncoral249, Hanheart9. In order of how it helps the most to the least. Giving coin codes, coins, and other things helps in our organization. You will get something in return for your donation, but just a tiny something, not worth anything because we cannot do anything else. Please support us!

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